"M. le docteur over there, he said just now, that all this"- his hand smote the Canon's stomach, and the Canon winced- "was only a residence. Tell me, if you find a burglar in your house what do you do? Shoot him, do you not?" "No," cried the Canon. " no, indeed- I mean not in this country."
- "The Fourth Man", Agatha Christie
This conversation really made me think. It is a story in which a man, during a train journey, tells the three other occupants of the compartment, the story of a girl who suffered from multiple personalities. It is so interesting to consider the body as the residence of the soul. So there are the usual occupants of the so-called residence who are somewhat similar. These are probably our similarities with other people, the resemblances of our actions and reactions with somebody else. But when a stronger occupant comes in in the form of a burglar, it is only but right to kill him for having done so. Yet, that is never the case in a civilised country like ours. But when we consider the case of a personality entering the body, we do really kill it, right? By making the person forget it, making it all come out, by psychological treatment. Interesting comparison there, Agatha Christie.
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