Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"An Inconvenient Truth"
- The title of the movie by Al Gore.

I just watched the movie, and once more the urge to save the environment around me, rose inside me. I wish we, humans weren't so selfish that we could reduce the earth to this level. I was watching the sky today, as is one of my rituals of all days. It looked so blue and bright and just so pure. No white puffs of cotton bolls lining it, none of those dark clouds to spoil its rawness, it felt like paradise to watch it; as if I were in a completely different world; a world just like the one I always dream of. Guess I couldn't have a better start to day of my final examination. As I write this, I feel the peace and quiet that I've wanted since the time I started out after school life. It is beautiful.

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