Sunday, October 26, 2008

" If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere....."

- line from the chorus of New York

I didn't really want to mention the 'New York, New York', because its more of 'USA, USA' for me. But the point is that, I'm excited and definitely this will be one of those defining moments of my life where I shall be able to decide whether my choice is correct or not. And above all that, I love the song! It nice, peaceful, engaging and just the type of song I like. No hard rock, no metal, just a peaceful and quiet song. Really improves your mood. We learnt it in school and since then , its been one those hummable songs you don't need any music or occasion for. Just start and go on and on and on, and then people join in! Its got that quality of chorus, and that I guess, just pulls people in to join. Now obviously, its more meaningful and all, but I Love New York!!!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

"And when someday we say to you that we don't want to live anymore....Do not get angry...
Try to appreciate that our age is not just lived but survived."
- " To Our Dear Child",Parent's Wish, a poster in my dentist's clinic

It is a very beautiful poem. Something that every parent will want to say to their children. Every single line is almost every word that almost leaves the mouth , but doesn't actually come out. And the above lines are most touching. It just makes you look at that aspect with a completely different eye, an eye which understands and accepts. I wish every child could hear this poem or read it once. It completely changes the way you look at your parents and your grandparents too. You suddenly understand the meaning of having them, there, as solid as ever, not going anywhere. I wish I can get in the entire thing written down or something the next time I go, because I want every child in the world to read this, and when they have time to analyse the words. It just values your parents more. It gives you a chance to say " Thank you" before its too late, a chance to improve, before things get worse, and most importantly, to improve yourself as a person.
A Parent's Wish is always to see their children as better people than they themselves were, and I think, reading this poem definitely takes us a step closer to that.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"I did not come here to tell you that I can't live without you. I can live without you. I just don't want to."

- Sarah, Rumour Has It

This one dialogue just summarises the meaning of love and marriage and that bond that you always want to have with someone, according to me. I don't believe that you can't live without somebody, its crazy, of course you can! If you've lived without that person before, you can live without them now too. Its a choice that we make, a choice which says that you're the person I WANT to spend the rest of my life with, not HAVE to spend the rest of my life with. Its strange how easily such a complex thought can put into such simple words!