Tuesday, July 28, 2009

As a big Lance Armstrong fan, it was a little disappointing to watch him finish on the podium without the Yellow Jersey. But, as a comeback, we couldn't have asked for a more positive one. He definitely looks one of the oldest on Tour, but there is also a mature determination on his face, and a very , I guess I can only call it, mellow yet strong will to finish the Tour on his face this time. His face more or less remains expressionless, but this year, watching him, I did see the adult athlete racing with the kids around. All around him, there was this youthful fire, raw, vibrant and spitefully hungry at times.......and then him; with the settled, warm and continous fire that one associates with the older guys.
Its a very different Armstrong we saw this year. Yet, he appears no less challenging, in fact, I would bet on the Yellow Jersey on him next year, more than I could have managed all throughout 1999-2005. Its amazing how he has come back, actually.
In fact, it was tough to follow the Tour in 2006, and have a winner who wasn't Lance Armstrong. I thought I'd never have him back on the race circuit ever ( having followed cricket for all my life, where, retirees don't really make an about-turn). So this is definitely just as good as it gets. We're seeing a new chapter in Tour history being written, and it is going to be as memorable as the previous one, if not as long as that.
And of course, finally, Alberto Contador has to be given credit. He really did nail it this time. And he completely deserves his second Yellow Jersey.
Lance Armstrong, I ardently am pinning to the hope that next year, I will see you in that Jersey on the podium. But, got to admit it, its just such a treat to watch you back on Tour. Kudos!!

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