Monday, June 23, 2008

"Courage was mine, and I had Mystery;
Wisdom was mine and I had Mastery;"
- "Strange Meeting", Owen Wilson

My most favourite poem and the best lines in it. The first time I read this poem, these two lines stood out like I'd read them somewhere before and now couldn't remember. But, the fact is, that this is my most favourite poem. We learnt this one in Class 10, a poem that speaks about war, against it, and in the least of words is able to describe the horrors of war and 'dogs of war unleashed'. The two lines above almost are the central idea of the poem. The soldier had the courage to look for the true meaning of life and happiness and when he solved this, he had the knowledge which enabled him to step away from the reality of war. However it was war that cut short his life, which he would otherwise have spent, in spreading the knowledge he had gained.

I've never appreciated war, and neither have I been able to appreciate poem which talked against war by describing it. Because, they were never able to appeal to my heart. But this poem was very different, because it was sort of real and not exaggerated. I found pages on which I'd written this poem down after my exams got over two years ago, so that I'd never lose it, even if I lost my textbk. All that anti-war thing just comes back now......

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