Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This thought goes out to a very dear friend of mine who passed away a year ago on this day.
Its hard to think about you on this day, without a moment of grief and longing. I wish I had the power to call you back. A year ago had I wished and prayed and yearned from God to give you the strength to fight on and win the battle of life and death. " She deserves it more than any one else on earth.", I'd pleaded to Him, hoping that He would listen to me and give me my one wish. I felt so optimistic that you'd come back, as happy and radiant as always, and push behind that accident as one of those bad chapters you never wanna open again. But what He did was let me down for the first time ever, in a way that I'd never expected Him to do. You went on, leaving behind a chapter that we would never want to open. You left the world empty, and us to continue without you there. All through the past year, I've gone through every exam, wondering what you would do if you had ever faced it all. I wonder how God could be so harsh to cut short such a young life in the way He did. I miss you.... And I'm sorry for not realising it was you who'd had the accident, when I first heard about it. I'll never be able to forgive myself for this...Never

1 comment:

Priya Joyce said...

Its a very touching post. well life is like that and sometimes it turns cruel too I understand what you feel.